What mechanic doesn't like an organized bench? (Or at least, dreams of one!) Enduro provided us with an overwhelming selection of tools - so I set out on a quest to create the ultimate organization system for the numerous bearing press bushings I had accumulated. The best part? It only cost $10.
This peg board only requires a couple of simple ingredients:
- (3) 4ft 1/4" dowel rods
- (1) Hunk of wood of your choice
Sometimes it can be tough to find quality wooden boards that are flat and thick enough for a project like this, but it turns out you can buy an untreated stair tread and segment it to create a great platform for around $5-6.
Then it's the simple matter of drilling some holes and making some pegs! Spoiler alert: I approached this one from a different...angle...

For more details, check out the video! As always, feel free to subscribe to the channel for more info.
You can find all of Enduro's great tools here: https://www.endurobearings.com/products/tools/